This is my first experience being the author of a blog. I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. Basically, all I want to do is create a space for upper elementary teachers (especially math) to discuss and share ideas, lessons, thoughts, technology and more. I am a Title I math teacher and I work with students in small groups on the most essential skills. There are no other elementary Title I math teachers in my district. Now that Massachusetts has adopted a new version of the Curruculum Framework for Mathematics, I thought that now would be a great time to get the conversation rolling.
2/4/2011 08:35:03 pm

I love your Grade 4 Basketball Math! I am going to use the examples your students posted when I teach my 4th graders area and perimeter. Thank you!

Sarah M.
2/4/2011 09:43:08 pm

Ann, this is a great blog/website! I'm really impressed by the work your students have produced and how it has been presented so clearly and creatively. It's great it can be an ongoing and expanding thing. Best of luck in the future! -Sarah M.

Sarah D
2/6/2011 08:39:47 pm

I don't know if you follow the Free Technology 4 Teachers blog, but there was a great resource for math and basketball on there this morning! ( It involves Ray Allen and his 3 point shots. I was at the Celtics game yesterday and he had two 3 pointers. He only needs 4 more to be the all time three point scorer in the NBA!


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